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The Ultimate California Road Trip: My guide to the West Coast (Part 1)

The Ultimate California Road Trip: My guide to the West Coast (Part 1)  Last year, my family and I spent most of July travelling down the West Coast of America and exploring the famous "Golden State". Although I have been privileged enough to have visited the US many times, this trip was full of new challenges, adventures and experiences that were so different from the other states I had visited.  Planning your trip  California is vast and sprawling with so many different climates, attractions and natural wonders. Although initially it may seem intimidating to scale the third largest state in the USA, I believe that breaking it down to small manageable chunks can make for a much smoother road trip. A very foggy view of the Golden Gate Bridge  The first step to planning your trip is choosing what you w ould like to do and where in California you would like to visit.  For us, we chose to plan by cities and towns - our first destination would be San Fra

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